miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008

Course on CLIL Materials Production in Eichstätt, Germany

The CLIL Cascade Network is organizing a pilot course on CLIL Materials Production in Eichstätt, Germany , 1-4 April 2009. The course is jointly planned and organized by Lapin kesäyliopisto, University of Jyväskylä and Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht and Kultus. The principal course facilitators will be David Marsh, Finland and Peeter Mehisto, England/Estonia.
The course is targeted to primary + secondary level CLIL teachers with interest and experience in CLIL materials production. The materials enriched and produced during the course will be uploaded on the CCN Platform as examples of high quality CLIL materials.
The course objectives are:
· to analyse and adapt criteria for developing and enriching CLIL learning material
· to enrich learning materials used by participants in classrooms
· to develop a framework to enrich CLIL learning materials

The expected course outcomes are:
· Checklist for CLIL materials production
· Framework for CLIL materials
· A set of high quality CLIL learning materials

Provisional programme

1 April 2009 12.00 – 19.00: CLIL Methodology and Criteria for developing CLIL materials
2 April 2009 09.30 – 18.00: Sharing materials – Enriching materials
3 April 2009 09.30 – 18.00: Meeting CLIL materials writers – Building CLIL materials
4 April 2009 09.30 – 14.00: Meeting CLIL materials writers – Building CLIL materials
The total course fee is 1100€ (accommodation with full board 500€; course fee 600€)

The course is eligible for Comenius in-service training grants. The deadline for applications is 16.01.2009. Please contact your national agency for further details:
More information on the course: tuula.asikainen@lapinkesayliopisto.fi, phone: +358 400 256 772.

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